Freedom - Prophetic Light Prophecies


I Am the Sovereign. I Am a consuming fire, says the Lord. I will seal you with the fire of My love, the fire of My Spirit, the Fire of My Word, and My Name, and I will give no access to the enemy. I have you. You are My beloved. You belong to Me.  I will consume the works of the enemy with the fire of My mouth and My flaming sword. I will protect you, as I Am your defense. I will cut away the debris and clear the path ahead for you, says the Lord.

You will not be bound, but free, as I break you loose from the enemy’s hold and set you at liberty to serve Me. You will not know any bounds, as I have no boundaries. I Am not limited.  My power is unlimited, and I have  given you access to all that I have and all that I Am.  Look up.  Behold My face, My radiant face that is gazing at you.  For I will enlighten your path with My glory and light, and you will walk in My light as I fill you with new life and vitality.  My word and will and Work and Way are in agreement and shall be done in you as you walk hand in hand with Me and go forward in all that I have chosen you to do.  I will be with you always, and you will not be disappointed, as I give you grace and use you for My glory,  says the Lord.

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