
I Am your portion, says the Lord.  It is not scraps that I offer you. You are not a dog that eats the crumbs that fall from the table, but a beloved child.  I Am more than enough for you.  I never said I would supply a portion of your need, but all of it, as you come into My presence and abide with Me.  Live with Me.  To be a junior partner with Me assures you of abundance, not just getting through and getting by.  For I Am a God of abundance. Walk with Me, and live with Me, and partake of what I have provided for you. It is a good portion, and you will not be a beggar, says the Lord.

My blessings enrich you, and there is no accompanying sorrow attached to them, says the Lord.  For I came to turn your sorrow into joy, not give you sorrow of heart.  I came to anoint you with the oil of My joy, and you will laugh, not cry. You will enjoy My presence, and not lament.  For I will wipe away your tears as I cloak you with My garment of praise and take away the dark, gloomy depression from you.  I will pour the new wine of My Spirit in you, and your heart will sing.  You will be filled with the new wine that will make you glad, not sad.  You will rejoice in My astounding glory, and be filled with joy and laughter.  I have much more for you than you can ever imagine, and it is prepared and waiting for in My presence, says the Lord.

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