I will give you everything that you need, says the Lord. Everything! You will not need! I will supply, for I Am your source! You will have more than enough! For when I fed millions of My people in the wilderness for forty years, I gave them manna that they did not labor for. They did not know how I did it, but they had much more than they needed, every day. The heat of the sun melted the surplus, but although it seemed to be a waste, I gave them more than enough to supply them, day after day, without exception, says the Lord.

I furnished them a table in the wilderness, when they were thankful, and when they were not, says the Lord. Even when they grumbled against me, they still had food to eat, and water to drink. I remained faithful, even when they tested Me by their unbelief. How much more will I do for you, as you render thanksgiving and praise unto Me, and give Me the glory due My holy name. I will supply your need, and furnish a table before you, and you will be fully satisfied with good things, says the Lord.

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