Decrees Over You! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Decrees Over You!

I have commanded My blessings upon you, says the Lord.  I have made decrees in heaven over you in the presence of My holy angels, and they will execute My holy will. They will perform My Word over you as you lean upon Me and wait on Me and trust in My goodness and mercy for you.  For all that I have decreed in heaven will be performed in the exact way that I have spoken.  My ministering Spirits will enforce My will to be done in you as it is in heaven.  For I cannot be out witted, and no decree of the enemy will foil My plan and purposes for you, says the Lord.

I will perform My Word and My Will concerning you, says the Lord.  Trust that My will for you is holy, and it is good.  I never do anything that is only half accomplished.  For I do not have good intentions. I have good Works. My Word and Work and Way and Will are always in agreement, and always performed. For what I say cannot be unsaid.  It cannot be ignored or forgotten.  I do what I say, and nothing can stop Me.  I need no consent to perform.  For as I speak, that will be accomplished.  I have made good decrees over you in My throne room, and you will not know any breach of promise. I will fulfill My will concerning you, and it shall unfold as I have declared and decreed.  Trust in Me and wait on Me, and watch as I Am the cause and I will bring the results, says the Lord.

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