Reset, Revive, Refresh, Renew - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Reset, Revive, Refresh, Renew

I am not ordering you to return to the point of beginning as I order a reset for you, says the Lord. It is not a redo or a make over. I will only remove the pain of your disappointments in the past failed harvests, and heal the wounds that others have inflicted upon you. I am not granting another chance, but a change of direction, a change of heart, a change of pace, and a change of perspective. I will not only make things new for you, but I will make you new. I will refresh you, energize you, revive you, empower you, restore your vision, and propel you forward in the direction of your prescribed destiny purpose in Me, says the Lord.

Will you be made whole? I Am your healer, says the Lord. I will heal your broken, wounded heart and life. Don’t nurse your own wounds, but let Me totally heal them. For I Am your Great Physician, and I do all things well. I never make mistakes and I will not leave you scared and marred. Your efforts alone have not produced the results you had longed for, so stop struggling, and allow Me to heal, repair, revive, restore, and renew you. Cast all of your burdens and cares upon Me, and trust that I care for you. It is time for the reset in your life, and a new beginning, as you become refreshed and renewed, says the Lord.

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