Surrounded by My Glory

My grace is always sufficient for you, says the Lord. It is never short of your need. I will never have anything insufficient to offer you, and you will have all the grace and favor that you need, forever, as you entrust Me with your life. There is nothing that you need that I will not supply, as you come into My presence and let My glory surround you. You will find infallible riches in My glory, says the Lord.

Grace and glory are My gifts to you, says the Lord. They cannot be earned, but they can be received. Come and receive all that I have for you this day, in My presence, at the table that I have set for you. You will discover that what I have for you is all that you need. Sufficient bread of life, sufficient new wine that will make your heart glad, sufficient supplies! I will supply all your need, as you come to Me, the all-sufficient One, Who will never withhold any good thing from you, ever. Come and receive all that is prepared for you, for I will not deny you access, and I will not give you crumbs. You are not just invited to come; you belong at My table as My child, and the supper is prepared for you. The table is always set, always abundantly supplied, and always sufficient. You will be fat and full of My blessings that are endless, as you come and dine. Come! says the Lord.

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