The best is yet to come, for the latter shall be greater than the former, says the Lord. Just as I turned the water into wine, and the best was at the end of the marriage feast, so shall it be with you. I will give you greater joy, greater peace, a greater love, and more abundant life. I will use you in a greater way, because you have made Me your highest heart’s desire. I will expand your boarders and give you a greater harvest than what you could ever anticipate, says the Lord.
I will pour out My blessings upon blessings in greater way, and you will have a greater anointing to do the greater works in the days to come, says the Lord. For I will pour out My Spirit and My fire. I will rain down healing and deliverance and destroy the works of the enemy with My fiery, two-edged sword. I will defeat the dark one and set at liberty those who are bound. The Fire of My Spirit cannot be put out or contained. I will send revival throughout the Land, says the Lord.
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