Joy and Laughter - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I will give you fresh, new wine and intoxicate you with My Spirit, as you come and drink all that you desire, says the Lord.  For I will shake you by My mighty power and fill you with joy and laughter.  You will be carefree and loosed from the bondage of fear.  My joy will fill your soul as you bask in My presence and drink!  Pleasure forevermore in My presence is what awaits you. Unspeakable joy is your portion.  A new song will erupt from your heart,  and I will give you bountiful peace, says the Lord.

Come and drink the intoxicating, fresh wine of My Spirit,  says the Lord.  For the new is better than the old, and I have prepared the finest wine of My Spirit for you.  You will be filled to overflowing and rejoice again.  You will be free of the burdens that have weighed you down as you cast then upon Me and walk in a new liberty in My Spirit that I have given you.  Come and drink, and drive away the sorrow, drive away the pain, drive away the darkness, and drive away the heaviness as you are refreshed in My presence and are filled with unspeakable joy, says the Lord.

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