Unquenchable Love - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Unquenchable Love

Be confident in Me, says the Lord. I will give you comfort and joy as I embrace you and reassure you that I Am your eternal, loving Father. I will do you good all the days of your life, and you will dwell with Me forever, as I prepare a place for you that cannot be extracted from you or ever deteriorate or depreciate in value. You are a child of My love, and you are never forgotten by Me.  I have not forgotten My promises to you, and I will fulfill you as well as everything that I have promised you, says the Lord.

My love cannot and will not change with the times and seasons of your life, and will not be put out by the floods of the enemy that endeavor to extinguish the My Holy Spirits fire, says the Lord.  My love conquerors, and My love for you defeats and destroys the works of the enemy.  It will never destroy you!  Trust that what I have for you is always good, and I will not deny you any good thing, says the Lord.

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