I Will Make a Way for You. - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Make a Way for You.

I will make a way for you where there is no way, says the Lord.  I said I will do this for you when you have exhausted and abandoned your own ways, and refuse to follow the paths that others have set before you.  I will lead and guide you and order your righteous steps, and light the true path that is ahead of you.  For the steps you are to take will not only advance you, but take you to a nigher level in Me. No one can improve on what I will do, says the Lord.

For where there is no way, I become the way, the truth and the life in you, for you, and around you, says the Lord.  No way means that you relinquish all controls and refuse to go any other direction than that which I create and prepare for you.  For My higher ways and thoughts are only good.  They will take you beyond yourself, beyond your vision, beyond the boundaries that others would set for you, and those that you set for yourself. Trust in what I only can and will do, for I do all things well for you, and you will not be disappointed, says the Lord.

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