Benefit, Build, Healing - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Benefit, Build, Healing

Do not listen to the lies of the enemy, says the Lord. He cannot speak the truth, and only wants to intimidate you. What he tells you is the opposite of what you are to believe. For he only torments. He only confuses. He only endeavors to entrap you into his diabolical plans and purposes that are of darkness and not of My light. He distorts the truth, and comes as that angel of light to try to entangle you with his enticing, perverted words and work. Plug your ears and turn away from him. Submit to Me, and resist him, and he will run from you, says the Lord.

Always remember what I said. I Am the way, the truth and the life, says the Lord. Know what that means and meditate on it. Trust that I will only benefit you, build you up, and bring you healing and deliverance. I will not impoverish you. I will provide, and help you, bring you into the shelter of My arms, and furnish you unto every good work. I Am your peace, your portion, your provider and your helper, and I cannot and will not forsake My own. I will supply your needs, and give you joy in My presence. You will know that there is no darkness in Me, as I shine My face upon you, and light up your life in Me, and give you My peace, as you trust in Me, and My Word, says the Lord.

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