Safety - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am your place of safety, says the Lord. You need not fear. For I will watch over you, to protect you and shelter you night and day. I never slumber nor sleep, so that you can rest peacefully. My eyes are wide open. Wherever you are, I Am. Wherever you go, I will be with you. Whatever you need to do, I will stand alongside to help you. You will never be inept, because I will partner with you. I will counsel you. I will supply you, and you will never go without as you place your faith and trust in Me, says the Lord.

Is there anything too hard for Me? Nothing has been, and nothing will ever be, says the Lord. Everything is easy for me. Didn’t I create the heavens and the earth? Do you know how to create anything with your mouth? Can you say, as I did, “Let there be light,” in the midst of darkness, and there will be light? I will continue to create and do spectacular, new things, and astound you. Do not limit Me by what I have done in the past. For the latter things will be greater than the former, and you will know that I Am limitless as I give what your eyes have never seen, your ears have never heard, and you have never imagined. I cannot be confined to what has been done, for I will do new things, and they will exceed your expectations, and go far beyond your imagination and highest heart’s desire, says the Lord.

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