I Am Your everlasting Father, and one that will always take care of you, says the Lord. I will never abandon you or turn my back on you. My love for you is limitless. My grace is sufficient, and abundant for you. You do not need to earn My love and favor, for as your Father, My love is everlasting and unconditional. You belong to Me, and I value you, always. My goodness and mercy for you is everlasting, It does not change with your circumstances or your own goodness. Trust that what I have for you is never ending and never changing. You can always depend upon Me as your father, says the Lord.

I will give you everything that you need, says the Lord. Everything. You can depend upon Me. I will always be your source and supply. I will always give you more than enough! You do not have to plead. The table is set for you, and your seat cannot be occupied by another. I assure you that I have prepared everything for you that you need, and there are hidden treasures in My presence for you to discover. You will never be turned away, and you will be fat and full of My blessings upon blessings, as you come and eat and drink freely. For you will be fully furnished and satisfied, as you come and dine and enjoy sweet fellowship with Me, says the Lord.

Audio/video version:

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