Good is My word, says the Lord. It is a healing word for you. It is a delivering word. It is a providing word. It is a comforting word, It is an encouraging word. I will give you good news, not bad, and you will not need to fear what I Am speaking. Let Me give you My powerful and wonderful words of Life that will cause you to become strong, as you learn of Me. You will be built up in your faith as you learn to listen and develop an ear to hear what I Am speaking to you, says the Lord.
For all My people hear My voice, says the Lord. I have spoken. I Am speaking, and I will continue to speak to you, as you listen to My still, small voice within you. I need not scream, for I Am gentle. I do not force you to listen and obey, but as you do, you will become more like Me. You will discover that that as you continue depending upon Me and My Word, it never weaken you, but it will make you courageous and empower you to accomplish every purpose that I have created you to fulfill under the sun, says the Lord.
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