Surrender Everything To Me - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Surrender Everything To Me

Surrender everything to Me, says the Lord. Do not raise the white flag of surrender to the enemy. For compromise is not an option, and there can never be a truce with the evil one.  He will never keep one promise, never come to agreement with you, and only endeavor to entrap and imprison you. You can never give into weariness and lag behind, to give opportunity for the enemy to ensnare you unaware. You must never give up, never give in, never stop, and never quit, says the Lord.

As you surrender your life to Me, and give Me your whole self, you will have new vitality and strength that comes from Me, says the Lord. For I will only strengthen and help you. You can remain strong in Me at all times. Give Me your all and let Me become your all in all. For then you will know that I will keep you in the palm of My hands, and you will be safe and secure. You will be furnished onto every good work that I have created you to do. You will become fat and full of My blessings that will enrich you. You will have My wisdom and counsel. You will be able to withstand the enemy and defeat his diabolical purposes, as you surrender to Me, and let Me be your Commander in Chief, Who will empower you and only do good for you all the days of your life, says the Lord.

Surrender Everything to Me

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