Nothing Takes Me by Surprise - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Nothing Takes Me by Surprise

Nothing takes Me by surprise, says the Lord. Sudden storms do not throw Me off plan, and you cannot be altered by them. My purposes stand. You will stand, for I will hold you up and keep you from falling. There is nothing that can shake you from Me, for I have you, rooted and grounded in My Word. My Work in you remains, and cannot be changed. I will perform it, even as I have spoken to you. Fret not, for the enemy cannot destroy you. I will rebuke the destruction and the destroyer for your sake as I stand in the gap for you, says the Lord.

My peace for you is unimpeachable, says the Lord. For I Am your peace. The circumstances that you face will not be able to remove the peace that I give you that cannot be taken from you. For even as I abide, so shall My peace prevail. Do not let the enemy’s lies defeat you, for his mouth is full of venom, and his prideful words are stout against you. But he will not be able to carry out his threats, and his plans to destroy you will fail. I will defend you and keep you from the claws of the bear and the sharp teeth of the lion. For I Am your keeper that will not only protect you, but I will defeat the enemy and be your place of safety as you place your trust in Me at all times, says the Lord.

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