Unburden yourself, as you hurl your burdens upon Me, says the Lord. Do not wait for the overload, to give them to Me. For I do not want you to carry them. I do not want you bogged down and under a heavy load. I will bear all of them, if you will allow Me to. Yoke up with Me, for I will not only make things easy for you, but I will steer you, and you can enjoy the view, with a new perspective. You do not even have time to take in the scenery and enjoy anything while you are encumbered with so many cares. I want you free of it, and filled with joy, says the Lord.

I load you with daily benefits that you are not even able to enjoy, when you are so burdened and heavy laden, says the Lord. You cannot even rest at night, when I give My beloved sleep, because of the weariness of your own mind. Shift all this onto Me, for what can you do with it? You cannot fix the problems that are yours, and those that you care for. I can, as you entrust that to me. Then you can enter into My rest that I prepare for you, as well as be refreshed to begin a new day. Each day is a gift from Me, and I do not want you to embrace it with weariness and such busyness that you cannot even recognize the blessings that I have lavished upon you. Cast yourself upon Me, and all those you care for, and I will sustain you as well as them. You will be relieved and able to rest, as you entrust all to Me, and let Me handle all of it, says the Lord.

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