I Will Make a Way for You - Prophetic Light

I Will Make a Way for You

I will make a way for you where there is no way, says the Lord. For I Am good for It. You do not have to make a door or pound on one or try to crash through it. I Am the door. I will open the door for you and create the plan for you and will get your attention and say, “This is the door. Just come in!  I see your frustrations and know your sorrow, and I know the circumstances and conditions that you are going through. You will never be out of My sight, and I hear the sound of your voice as you cry out to Me for help. I hear the hidden man of the heart when you silently cry out to Me. I have not ignored you or turned My back on you. You are not being refused and overlooked. Trust in My presence. Believe in My infallible power. Know that I Am with you always, says the Lord.

Even when I was in the ship with My disciples of old, as a storm arose, they were fearful and believed that they would perish, says the Lord. The miracles and signs and wonders that I performed in their midst did not keep them from fearing the life threatening storm that came up suddenly. I commanded the storm to cease and declared peace, and there was a calm. You are not alone. I Am with you in the storms of your life, and although you feel that you could perish, I Am not going to allow the destroyer to destroy you as you trust in Me. You are in My care! Believe that. Receive that! Know that I Am your provider, your Healer, your all in all.  I Am unlimited, and I will create what you need, for I can take nothing and make something out of it. I will do what is needful for you, for I will supply all your need as you stop looking at the storms and look onto Me, the Almighty God in the midst of you, says the Lord.

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