Prophet June Sheltrown, Author at Prophetic Light

Prophet June Sheltrown

Prophet Dr. June Sheltrown is the Senior pastor of Prophetic Light International, Bible School and Christian Ministries, Inc. located at 36134 Clinton Avenue, Dade City, Florida, for over 30 years. It is not a conventional church, but she does on spot ministry, as led by the Holy Spirit. She is a revivalist, author, operates in the prophetic gift, Word of Knowledge, has prophetic dreams, visions, and hears the audible voice of the LORD. As an international speaker/revivalist, healing, deliverance, creative miracles, signs and wonders, and impartation of the Holy Spirit baptism are prevalent in her meetings. She is a graduate of Tyndale Theological Seminary, and Central Michigan University. Her desire is that everyone who attends her meetings has a genuine encounter with the LORD, and is forever changed.


I Am the Father of lights, not darkness, says the Lord. Darkness and light are not compatible. I will extinguish darkness with My light, and darkness cannot put out My light that is in you. The vocabulary and works of darkness will not defeat you. There is no power in their mouth, but out of

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