Receive What I Have Purchased for You

Do not settle for less than what I have purchased for you by My finished work on the cross for you and My shed blood, says the Lord. It is a complete and finished work. You do not need to beg for what I have freely given you, as I have already paid the price for your salvation. I have fully accomplished for you everything that you need and desire. Nothing is missing. For My blood cleanses you from all unrighteousness. My body was broken for you, and by My stripes, you were healed, says the Lord.

I have purchased you, says the Lord. You belong to Me. I want you whole and well and strong. Trust that you are not exempt from My power, My fire, My glory. You have access to Me, and I have no favorites. Receive what is already yours, as you do not have to earn it. Use your faith that I have given you, and know that you do not have to work for My favor and unspeakable gifts. Free is free. Grace is grace. Mercy is mercy, and all that you need and desire, I give to you without cost. Take what I fully paid for, for finished is finished, says the Lord.

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