- Prophetic Light Prophecies

Don’t lose your faith in Me when it is tested, says the LORD. It is your faith in Me and My Word that pleases Me. Do not waver. Like Peter of old, I have prayed for you that your faith does not fail. For when it is tested, it does not lose value, but gains much. It becomes more priceless than refined silver and gold that perishes with use and age. Your faith will not perish with use, but will become stronger, more productive and reap a harvest of good things that cannot be extracted from you, says the LORD.

Your faith will bring you the victory, and you will rejoice in all that you have trusted Me for, says the LORD. Your tears will be turned into laughter, and your sorrow will be turned into joy. I will reverse the reversals in your life and grant you the desires of your heart. Be patient and enduring in your faith. For as you are steadfast and immovable, you will abound in every good work that I have called you to accomplish. Don’t be tempted to doubt, for faith is the only thing that gives substance to your hope, which then becomes a living hope that will be granted as you wait upon Me and trust In Me and My infallible Word. Your faith will not be void or empty, but will reap exactly what you believe Me for, says the LORD.

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