Empowered to Be Productive - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Empowered to Be Productive

It is not about what you can do or what you can change or the you can build or repair, but it is about what you can accomplish through Me, says the LORD. For you can do NOTHING without Me. My very breath is in you, and your life is hid in Me. I want you to give Me the glory for all good things, because it is not by your ability that anything is accomplished. It is by My Spirit in you that empowers you, for in Me alone, you live and move and have your being, says the LORD.

I Am your strength. I Am your life, says the LORD. I will guide you with My eye, fill you with My wisdom and knowledge and counsel and power so that you can have GOOD SUCCESS. Your life will be a benefit and blessing to others as you live in Me, and allow Me to direct your path, and you obediently follow it. It is not difficult, for I will take you by My Own right hand and gently lead you every step of the way. I will empower you to do everything that I have created you to do, and fully furnish you unto every GOOD work that I have called you to do. You will not become the source, but I AM. I have given you every ability that you have as your creator. Give Me the glory for everything, and honor Me with your surrendered life, and I will use you mightily for My glory and your live will be highly blessed, honorable and productive, as I have ordained it to be, says the LORD.

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