Concern yourself with the things that are eternal, says the Lord. For those things that you see and hear and know and understand in your daily existence are only temporal. They are not you, not your life that I have given you that is eternal, and not your destiny. I Am your destiny. Let Me be your pursuit and desire of your heart, for what I have for you will not be taken away from you. I give you good and everlasting gifts that will never be missing or removed from you. As I assign you positions and purposes and things that pertain to MY kingdom, be faithful in doing all that I have called you to do, says the LORD.

What I give you has permanency. You will not lose when you invest in that which is forever, says the LORD. I have given you a choice to serve Me and what pertains to everlasting life or to serve what will never last, never benefit you or anyone else, and never produce life. My life is in you, and I desire for you to reproduce yourself as you let your light shine before others, so they see your good works, are a witness of MY good work that I have accomplished in you, and glorify Me. Light puts out the darkness and your light will draw others to Me so that they too will become children of My kingdom. Be faithful in those things that I have assigned you to do, for it is not a vain thing to hear and obey My voice and do the good works that will bring you eternal rewards that will never pass away, as well as expand My kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven, which is eternal and will never be destroyed, says the LORD.

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