Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, is My decree for you, says the LORD. You will not be bound, but free, for I Am the One who will loose you and sets you free! You will not be shut in, shut up or bound up in the prison of the enemy that has made fun of you. He will not control you, isolate you, abuse you, or make a mockery of you. It is finished and I will give you breakthrough, says the LORD.
You will be out of the defeat, the sorrow, the pain and the problems that have held you down and held you back, says the LORD. The enemy is a defeated foe. I Am the one that delivers you and gives you freedom to serve Me. You have been birthed into My kingdom for My purpose and pleasure and you will be busy doing the work that I have called you to do, unscathed, unbound, unfettered, and unleashed. There are no boundaries, no walls and no gates that will hold you in, for I have determined to set you free, says the LORD.