Give Your Entire Self to Me Without Reservation - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Give Your Entire Self to Me Without Reservation

Bring yourself to Me, not just your desires and needs, says the LORD. Give your entire self to Me, without reservation. For when I have YOU, don’t I have everything about you? Then your needs become Mine. Your desires become Mine. All that pertains to you comes under My care as you fully give yourself away, to ME. I want all of you, not just parts. What you keep back will only bring you grief, for you are free to keep what you want for yourself. It will only be wise for you to relinquish your total care to Me, and be yoked with Me, so that you will have an easy yoke and light burden, says the LORD.

I have not withheld Myself from you, says the LORD. I fully became the sacrifice for you as I died on the cross and My blood spilled to the ground. I took your sin and unrighteousness and gave you My righteousness. I saved you when you were lost. I gave you hope when you were hopeless. I brought you into My kingdom and made you My beloved child. You can entrust your life to Me and give Me your everything. For I Am your everything, and I will give you everything that you need, as you come to Me in a full presentation of yourself and fully commit all your ways onto Me, and I will direct your path, give you the desires of your heart, and bring you into the Promised Land that I have ordained for you, says the LORD.

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