God Said, "I'm Sending You Back to Africa" - Prophetic Light Prophecies

God is sending me back to Africa for the 6th time.  This year He poured out His SPIRIT and Fire in two nations where I went, and literally thousands were instantly filled with the Holy Spirit and healed.  Many received Jesus into their hearts as their personal Savior and LORD, AFTER they were healed.  Then they were filled with the HOLY SPIRIT.  I believe that the Word of GOD comes with a demonstration, rather than enticing words. The gospel of JESUS Christ comes in power.  HE sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from all their destruction.

When the unsaved SEE and experience the power of GOD in their lives, they will believe in HIM and receive Him!  How can they believe unless they hear, and how can they hear without a preacher, and how can I go unless I am sent?  It is very expensive to spend a month or two at a time in Africa as I have in every mission trip.  I went from venue to venue, sometimes four a day.  I spent hours in each venue, so that I could reach every person. NO one should be left behind.  They are WAITING FOR MY RETURN.

I am asking for all those who will, to partner with Me so that I can continue to go to the nations for the Kingdom of GOD and His glory.  You are a vital part of this ministry as you pray for Me and partner with me so that I can go.  May GOD richly bless you as you give to this great work.  You will receive a portion of the harvest of every soul that I am able to reach, receive the increase in your own life and have an eternal reward.  You will reap what you sow, for that is the PROMISE of GOD!

The Lord is sending me to impart His Holy SPIRIT, The Fire of the HOLY SPIRIT, Healing, Deliverance, Miracles, signs and wonders, the glory of GOD, the KINGDOM of GOD, His righteousness, Holy Laughter.  This is what He is sending me to do, and this is what He did in every place and every mission I have been sent to fulfill. God performed His WORD when HE said he is sending me for THIS purpose, and none of these words fell to the ground. That is just what happened: SIGNS, Wonders, Healing, Deliverance, Miracles, Holy Laughter, the Salvation of souls, and revival fires fell.  To GOD be the GLORY! Great things He has done and WILL DO when I return.

Please consider supporting this mission.  There is a donation button on the website of propheticlight.org, or you can go directly to paypal and donate to [email protected], or you can send your donations to:

Prophet June Reinke, Prophetic Light International, 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525.   Thank you for your prayers and support.  I cannot do this alone, but together we can, and we will.  God bless you as you give!

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