I Have Come Alongside to Help You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Have Come Alongside to Help You

Troubled on every side is not what I have caused, says the LORD. The enemy is the one who has brought affliction, trials and tests. But I have come alongside to help you, defend you, protect and shield you and bring you out of them all. Be assured that you are NOT alone when you face the roar of the lion. I Am the Lion of Judea, and My roar is louder. I cannot be intimidated by the mere meow in comparison to My voice that thunders. My whisper is more powerful than the most violent shout of the devil, says the LORD.

I will secure you and keep you night and day, and no matter how hot the fiery furnace of affliction is, I Am with you in it, to bring you out of it, untouched, unharmed and unbound. You are in My hands, and no power can remove you from My care and protection. I will never sleep, so that you can, for I give you peaceful rest. Be confident in Me, for I Am your deliverer, and I will empower you to overcome, because I have placed My Spirit in you, and you will not be moved, says the LORD.

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