I Have Given My Life for You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I have invested everything in you that I have, for I have given My life for you, says the LORD. You have EVERYTHING that you need, for I own everything, control everything and have become your all in all. Nothing is missing from you. You are not bypassed. I have given you everlasting life and eternal rewards as I have made you a joint heir with Me in My kingdom that is without end, says the LORD.

You belong to Me, and as I live in you, and AM in partnership with you, I will also INVEST YOU, as you give your all in all to Me, says the LORD.  You too will become a gift that is furnished unto every good work that I have called you to do. Your life and works will bring honor and glory to My great name that I have linked with your name, because you have chosen Me Who has chosen you. I will use you for MY glory, and give you a name that is honorable, a life that is complete in Me, and a reward that is eternal, even as I have promised all those who have labored for Me and become an instrument of My righteousness and a vessel of honor that I Am well-pleased with, because of their obedience and faithfulness to Me, says the LORD.

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