I Will Answer Your Prayers - Prophetic Light Prophecies
God Answers Prayer

I Will Answer Your Prayers

God Answers PrayerI have heard your prayers, and I will answer them, says the LORD.  You have patiently waited for Me to act, and I will reward you.  All who trust in Me will be fully satisfied, as I give them the desire of their heart and exceed their expectations.  You will not be turned away, for I always hear you. I always record every thought that you have of Me, and I will pour out My favor and grace upon you and give you everything that you have believed Me for and waited upon Me to do, says the LORD.

Rejoice and be glad, says the LORD. For your labor in Me has not been in vain.  I know your labor of love. I Am pleased with your faithfulness. Your prayers have come up before Me as a sweet perfume, and your praise as a lovely aroma that fills my courtroom.  I will honor you openly as you have given honor onto Me and acknowledged ME.  I will link your name with My name, and be your exceeding, great reward, says the LORD.

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