Joy and Peace - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Don’t be angry, says the LORD. Be filled with My joy, and let My peace rule your heart and life at all times. I AM your peace, and I have given it to you even when nothing seems to be going well. You can be quiet and confident even in the middle of the worst storms in life, knowing the outcome will be good, because I am with you always, and you will not be destroyed by the winds of adversity, says the LORD.

Do not let circumstances move you, and don’t allow fear and unbelief grip your heart, for that is the trick of the enemy, says the LORD. Stay focused on My goodness, for I Am your ever-present help in times of trouble, even when it is on every side. Be aware that My angels are surrounding you and they are commissioned to watch over you and keep you safe. I will keep you in the shelter of MY arms and give you rest as you entrust Me with not only your care, but the care of all those you love, says the LORD.

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