My Word is TRUTH - Prophetic Light Prophecies

My Word is TRUTH, says the LORD. I will perform MY WORD! My Word is righteous, and it is holy. I cannot do anything that is not right and will never contradict My Word. My Word and Will and Work and Way are always in agreement. I will NOT withhold any good thing from you! GOOD is MY WORD, and I Am good for it! I will never give you anything that is not right! Trust in My wisdom! Trust that My understanding is infinite! Trust in MY knowledge that fills the earth! I AM all-knowing, ever-present, all-wise, and all-powerful. I will not give you anything that is harmful, nor will I violate My Truth that endures forever, says the LORD.

I am calling you to trust in ME at all times, says the LORD Trust that I Am your EVERLASTING FATHER, that loves you unconditionally. Trust that I Am with you, always, on your side, and will never compromise you! I will never put you in harm’s way, and I will never violate My promises to you. Trust that I Am a GOD of justice and Judgment, and I do ALL THINGS WELL. Wait on Me. Place all your hope in Me, and believe that I AM working on your behalf, says the LORD.

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