Strengthen, Help, Uphold - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Strengthen, Help, Uphold

I will give you new strength as you wait on Me, says the LORD. You never need to run out, or be depleted, for I have an endless, daily supply for you. I will strengthen, help and uphold you with My own right hand. You will not fall or fail, for I will hold your hand in Mine, and keep you steady on your feet, as you walk WITH Me. Don’t fret about the future, but trust that I will lead you and guide you each new day, says the LORD.

I will enlighten the path before you, and you will not lose your way, says the LORD. You will not need to fear what lies ahead or what is lurking around every corner. I Am with you and will guard you and keep you safe. Your enemy is My enemy, and I will expose his diabolical plots against you and foil all his plans. I will keep you night and day and you will not have to be afraid of anyone or anything. I Am on your side, and I am big enough, powerful enough, and wise enough to protect you, provide for you and empower you to fulfill every purpose that I have called you to do under the son, says the LORD.

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