The Battle is MINE - Prophetic Light Prophecies

The battle is Mine, says the LORD. Although I will fight for you, I did not say to sit on your hands and do nothing. You must stand and face the enemy and watch Me work on your behalf. I will honor your faith and reward your faithfulness. You need not cower and fear the giants in the land, for although they do not see anything powerful about you, I have clothed you in MYSELF and will fight for you, and you will not be trampled under their feet. You will tread upon the enemy, and devils will run in terror of you, because I have stood alongside to help you, says the Lord.

The enemy has no power over you, for he has no ability to defeat Me, says the LORD. His arrogant and proud words and stature mean NOTHING to ME. The nations are a drop in the bucket, let alone mere man that hosts the powers of darkness. Do not fear, but stand, and watch Me become your shield and exceeding, great reward, as I defend you, save you, deliver you and give YOU the total victory and you will stand in the winner’s circle with the trophy in your hand, as an undefeated champion with ME, for the victory that is MINE is YOURS, says the LORD.

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