Appreciate My Presence - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Come into My presence with thanksgiving, says the Lord. Let Me hear a joyous sound coming from your lips. I Am here to listen to your requests and give you everything that you need. I have always provisioned you. I have always been on your side. I Am always on task, and have taken meticulous care of you. Be thankful for all that I have given you and reverence My holy name. Appreciate My presence in your life and trust in My goodness and mercy that is changeless, says the LORD.

I hear many complaints from My own people, says the LORD. I want to hear your praise. I want the sound of your voice to be pleasant. You do not have to scream to get My attention. I speak to you in a still, small voice. I Am gentle and kind. I have given you good gifts and embellished you with My love. Remember all the things that I have done for you continually and My care you all the days of your life. Dwell on the help and the answers I have given you in the past when you approach Me now.

As you boldly approach Me for help today. I WILL GIVE it to you, even as I promised. I Am with you always, and have never forsaken you. You are important to Me, and I will not ignore your needs. My heart craves to be in fellowship and communion with you, and I love to hear your songs of praise and worship that comes from your heart and mouth. Know that I Am more than sufficient for you, and you are blessed, says the LORD.

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