Don’t give into feelings of hopelessness, depression and despair, says the LORD. That does not come from Me. I Have given you the measure of faith, the seed of faith, the gift of faith, and you are to bear the fruit of faith. For when everything seems to be spinning of control, it is not yourself or others that you are to depend upon to get things back into proper order. I Am in charge of everything, and you can trust in Me at all times, says the LORD.

Nothing takes Me by surprise and nothing is out of MY control, says the LORD. I Am greater than the problems that you do not know how to solve, and I have resources that you are not even aware of that I will give you. I have NO limitations, and you are not a victim of circumstances. You are in My care, as you cast all of it onto Me and let me carry you as well as those you love. I Am able to supply all your need and will do anything that you will believe Me for, and you can rest, knowing that everything is in My complete control, now and always, says the LORD.

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