Favor and Grace - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Favor and grace are My gifts to you, says the LORD. Like every other gift that I have for you, it is contingent upon your faith in ME. You do not have to work for it, but RECEIVE it, for I have this for you as part of My salvation that you received by faith in Me and My finished work on the cross for you. It is always for you! Everything that I have for you is given according to My love and mercy for you. You cannot purchase anything from Me. I purchased everything for you. It is not because of what you can do or give, but what you can believe Me for, says the LORD.

Just as I have clothed you with My righteousness and My Salvation, I have mantled you with My favor and grace that is eternal, just as I have given you everlasting life because of your faith in ME. EVERYTHING, and I MEAN everything that you need is already purchased for you, appropriated for you and awaits you in My presence. JUST COME AND GET IT! WHAT? EVERYTHING that you need, and that is just what I said. That is what I mean, and that is what I do and that is what I will do for you, if you will ONLY BELIEVE and receive every blessing and benefit that I have for you as MY beloved child that is a product of My unimpeachable, infallible love, says the LORD.

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