I Am LIFE - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I place no premium on your pain and suffering, your sorrow and heartache, says the LORD. I Am your healer! I Am your comforter. I Am the lover of your soul. I Am Life, and the giver of life! It is the enemy that destroys, but I Am the One Who will rebuke him for our sake. It is the enemy that is the source of all darkness and evil, not ME. I came to Heal you, strengthen you, empower you, enlighten you, and help you, and you can be assured of My tender, loving care for you, says the LORD.

I will heal all your wounds and give you good health, as you meditate on My goodness and mercy for you and attend onto My WORD. I sent MY WORD to heal and deliver. It is powerful and impacting in a positive way, not destructive. Trust in Me, and My infallible love for you, and know that I Am with you, on your side to help you and hold you up, and keep you steady on your feet, and give you good things to enjoy, as you place your trust in ME, says the LORD.

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