I Am Not the Problem, but the Cure - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am Not the Problem, but the Cure

Don’t murmur or complain against Me, says the LORD. I Am not the problem, but the CURE! My WORD is a good word, and My Work is a perfect work. My thoughts are GOOD thoughts and not just intentions. I never miss, never forsake you, never condemn you, never malign you, never sicken you, never abuse you, never harm you, never imprison you, never forget you, never refuse you, never hold grudges, never criticize you, never withhold any good thing from you, says the LORD.

It is the work of the enemy that does all these negative and harmful things to you, and his business is to cause you to shift the blame onto Me instead of seeing that he is the source of all evil. NEVER will I side with his diabolical works and I will never side against you, who is My beloved child. I love you, and love thinks no evil, plans no evil, implements NO evil. I only do you good, for I Am your builder and Maker, your caregiver, your wonderful Savior and LORD. I do all things well for you. For I did not come to destroy you, but I will rebuke the destroyer, the deceiver, the evil works of the devil for you. Be confident of My love for you, for you are the work of My hands and the product of My love, as I gave My all for you, and have become your All in ALL, says the LORD.

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