Always means Always, says the LORD. I said I will be with you, Always. I said it. I meant it, and I will do just what I said. You can depend upon My presence. You can depend upon My Love that NEVER fails. You can depend upon My Word that will NOT fall to the ground. You can depend upon My help. You can depend upon Me, for I Am the changeless One. Though people, places, things and situations change, I will not. I Am faithful and true, says the LORD.

I Am your friend at all times that sticks closer than a brother, says the LORD. Others that you trusted may have failed you. Those who said that they love you may have proved that they do not. Though you may have been betrayed, abandoned, and abused by those you believed in, I cannot and will not ever do that! I will never betray you, belittle you, accuse you, abuse you or abandon you. My love for you is consistent, dependable, unfailing, and unimpeachable. You will always have My presence that goes before you, and I will give you abiding peace, as you trust in Me and My infallible Word, says the LORD.

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