I Am Your Comforter - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am your comforter, says the LORD. I will hold you in My arms and rock you and soothe you and lavish My love upon you, just like you would do a little crying baby. You are MY beloved child, and I AM touched by the feeling of your infirmity. When you hurt, It hurts ME. I Am not the author of pain and suffering, but I Am the Healer and Deliverer. I became a man of sorrow and grief so that I could completely sympathize with yours and turn your sorrow into joy. I became peace for you, and even though your heart is filled with pain, I will pour in the oil and the wine of My Holy SPIRIT and heal your broken heart and fractured life. You will be comforted by ME, and I will make you whole, says the LORD.

I still have the evidence of the wounds that paid the price for your healing. My back was riven. My hands are nail-scarred. The proof of your redemption and salvation are ever before the Father, and He sees forevermore that I have paid the full price for your salvation, healing and deliverance. The debt is fully satisfied forever as you place your faith and trust in Me and My blood that was shed for you and My finished Work on the cross for you, says the LORD.

Just as the scars are permanently visible, I have engraved your name in My book of life, and YOU are in the palm of My hands. No one can remove you. Circumstances cannot separate you from ME and My infallible, eternal love for you. Be comforted by My love and assured that you are My precious child that I purchased, and I will be with you always, to comfort you on every side, and bring you through every storm you face, and deliver you out of every affliction, for I AM your Savior and Lord and the Lover of your soul, says the LORD.

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