I Have Come to Enrich Your Live - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Have Come to Enrich Your Live

I have come to enrich your life, not to impoverish you, says the LORD. You are not going to miss out on anything that is good. I do not extract anything from you that will benefit you as you allow Me to be the LORD of your life. For I will take out the pain causing elements and replace them with the what will BUILD you up and edify you. I will take out the things that weaken you and give you that which generates strength. I will destroy and remove the negative, debilitating works of the evil one that cause you only sorrow, and give you My unspeakable joy, says the LORD.

You will not be empty, but full, says the LORD. I will make you fat and full of My blessings upon blessings, and you will BECOME a blessing to many, for as I pour out My blessings and pour them into you, you will not have enough capacity to contain them all. You will have MORE THAN ENOUGH, to live, to give, and to become a conduit of blessings for others. Your life will be a benefit to many, and I will give you a great harvest as you are enriched by Me to do great feats for My kingdom, by My power invested in you, and for My glory, says the LORD.

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