I Will Enhance and Beautify You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Enhance and Beautify You

I will enhance you and beautify you with My righteousness and holiness, as you entrust Me to be your Savior and LORD. For I have made you holy as I AM, says the LORD. I have given you My own righteousness. I will openly vindicate you and justify you, as you are cleansed by My own blood. You belong to ME. You cannot be condemned by the enemy, for he has NO SAY! I Am the only Authority, and the Sovereign. MY WORD counts, and none other does. I will openly put you on display as My beloved child that is cherished by Me. I have prepared My banquet table for you and your place in My presence is reserved for you, says the LORD.

You have been given access to Me and can freely eat at My table in the presence of your enemies that despise and reject you, says the LORD. I have received you and LOVE you with an everlasting love. You will feast at My table as the enemy is given NO ACCESS. He will press his nose against the window and look on greedily but will never taste what I have prepared for you. Your place is with Me, and you will always be welcome in My presence, because that is where you belong, as My greatly, beloved child, says the LORD

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