I Will Exceed Your Greatest Expectations - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Exceed Your Greatest Expectations

Your plans are not big enough, your thoughts are not deep enough, your dreams are not good enough, says the LORD. For I have BETTER THINGS in store for you than you have ever thought of, envisioned or could ever imagine! Although you say you cannot achieve even your own desires, I say you will exceed your greatest expectations as you forfeit the small things that you have hoped for and entrust your entire life to me and the spectacular purposes that I have ordained for your destiny purpose. TRUST that I Am with you to give you more than enough! It is not just things that you need, but PURPOSE and POWER that is much MORE THAN YOU can even fathom, says the LORD.

I desire for you to excel in My Spirit and infinite understanding, as I will download wisdom, knowledge and understanding into you that you will KNOW could only come from Me, says the LORD. You will go beyond what you have ever thought as you are submerged in Me and My presence and glory, and you will do great feats for My Kingdom, by My power and for My glory as you catch My vision and purposes for you and are filled with My Spirit that will enable you to accomplish every purpose that I have ordained for your life under the sun, says the LORD.

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