Things will open up for you, says the LORD. I will open doors or you. You will not be shut in, imprisoned, bound, fettered, or tied down. You will not be in the waiting room, in the shadows, but in the light of a new day that I create for you. Things will change for you. You will change! You will never be the same again. You will have a newly defined purpose. It will not be business as usual, but you will have new light, new direction, a new perspective, and new assignments that will further MY CAUSE, expand My kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and bring glory and honor to My great Name, says the LORD.
Take Heart, says the LORD. Though you feel even pruned right now, it will work for your good! Soon you will branch out with new life, new vision, fresh vitality, and a powerful impact in the lives of others that you will minister to. You will have influence. I will use you for My glory. There will be new budding and blossoms that will come from the branches that will grow and produce a bumper crop of fresh, mature fruit that remains. The result will not be desolation, and ruin, but expansion, restoration, rebuilding, refreshing, revitalizing, reviving, renewing, and you will be READY for the GOOD WORK that I have called and created you to do, fully furnished, equipped, empowered and perfected, says the LORD.