My Promises Are Unimpeachable, Unchanging, Unfailing - Prophetic Light Prophecies

My Promises Are Unimpeachable, Unchanging, Unfailing

My promises are unimpeachable, unchanging, unfailing, says the LORD. Just believe them and receive them by unrelenting faith and trust in Me and My infallible WORD. Be a receiver of the things that I have prepared for you! For nothing will be kept from you. Nothing will be unreachable or unattainable. Take what belongs to you that has already been appropriated for you. That is not just some things or most things, but everything, for I AM your everything and all, and there is no such thing as incomplete, for you are complete in Me, says the LORD.

I have already prepared everything that you need, and it is on the table that is set for you, says the LORD. There is more than enough, and you will not be denied access to Me or anything that is good. I will give you an abundance, and you will have more than you have asked Me for, more than you expected, more than you need, and you will be blessed and become a conduit of favor, blessings and grace. As I pour out My blessings upon you, and clothe you with My favor and grace, that will become you, so that you too will be like Me, and be gracious, kind, caring, and loving to give to others, even as I love to bless you, says the LORD.

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