I do not have to explain Myself to anyone, says the LORD. I do not account to anyone, and I Am not under the thumb of any. I do as I please and perform MY WORD according to MY OWN PURPOSES and plans that do not have to align with the thoughts an plans, ideals and ideas and purposes of others. I do inexplicable miracles always. I cannot be confined, restrained or contained in a box. I will not fit into a form or formula or ritual or the inferior mindset of others. My ways are HIGHER. My thoughts are HIGHER. MY PURPOSES are greater, and they are POWERFUL and PLANNED and implemented according to My times and seasons and perfect will that I have set forth, that are unchangeable, says the LORD.

Align with what is HIGHER than you, says the LORD. For I Am the SOVEREIGN, and nothing is beyond Me, above Me or dictates to Me or controls ME, says the LORD. All that I Am is what I will do! With Me you can do all things as your purposes coincide with Mine, says the LORD. I will show you. I will direct you. I will dictate the desires of MY heart to you, so that you will be with Me always, even as I AM with you. You will be on track. You will be on time. My will shall be done in your life, and My purposes will unfold. Make that your highest heart’s desire and watch Me work miracles, signs and wonders in your life and around you as I put MYSELF on display. You will come up HIGHER, and excel in MY EXCELLENCY and you will see what your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard, nor what has entered into the heart of any person, as I do unimaginable NEW THINGS for you and in your midst that are unheard of, and go beyond the thoughts and ways and expectations of any others, so that I AM seen, heard, and glorified, says the LORD.

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