My Vessels of Honor Will Be Glorious - Prophetic Light Prophecies

My Vessels of Honor Will Be Glorious

Perfect is perfect, says the LORD. You cannot improve on it, for there is nothing missing, nothing better, nothing that can exceed what is flawless and without imperfections. I will perfect you! I will perfect what concerns you! I will do a PERFECT work in your life, for that is what I can do, and that is what I WILL DO! There is none other that can perform with excellence that is unsurpassed, and I will complete the good work that I have begun in you, according to My purpose, My plan, for the honor and glory of My great Name, says the LORD.

You will not be incomplete, says the LORD. Nothing that My hands have formed will be marred and scarred. I will garnish the clay that I have formed for My own use, and My vessels of honor will be glorious. They will shine in My radiant light and they will be beautiful. I have decreed that My people will be sanctified, holy, clean, pure, without blemishes, and honorable. I will give them grace and glory as they stand, complete in Me, because they have abandoned themselves to Me, died to their own ambitions, and live in the PURPOSES that I have set forth. They are My chosen, called out people, and they will be empowered to bring in the harvest that will be great, says the LORD.

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