My Wonderful Works in Your Life!

My Works are wonderful in your life, says the LORD. Nothing can stop them. Nothing can top them. No other can give you what I have, and there is no power greater than Mine. I will do great and mighty works in the midst of you, for that is Who I Am and what I do. There is NO power that can stop Me, and Miracles, signs and wonders will never cease, for I Am the GOD that performs them, and My VOICE can never be silenced, My hand can never be too short to save, and My light can never be put out, says the LORD.

I will do the spectacular, the phenomenal, as I pour out My Spirit and My fire, says the LORD. I will empower. I will revive. I will restore. I will renew. I will ignite and excite, and fulfill all MY good pleasure. Believe for revival. Believe Me for refreshing. Believe and trust that I will not cower to the dark one, and can never be defeated. The earth belongs to Me. My church will be glorious, untouched, untainted, purified, holy, powerful, productive, growing, expanding, and empowered. As My believing ones, you are My holy and righteous ones, what I will reveal Myself to in power, authority, and glory. You will see MY GREAT SALVATION, Healing, and deliverance in the land of the living, and the harvest will be great, not small. I cannot be defeated, and you will rejoice in all that I will do, as I use you for My glory, and give you great grace, says the LORD.

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