Plant Your Seed Into Your Miracle - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Plant Your Seed Into Your Miracle

The seed of faith that you have cannot remain a mere seed, says the LORD. Though it seems so tiny, once it is planted, it will expand and grow. You can plant your seed into your miracle, and watch it begin to sprout and grow. It will bud and blossom and bear fruit to maturity, until you receive exactly what you believed, says the LORD.

My Word is good, and it will only produce faith that you can boldly act upon, says the LORD. For when you USE MY WORD, you will be walking by faith right into the desires of your heart. YES, if you believe, YOU WILL RECEIVE, when you refuse to cave into the negative voices that speak the opposite. My Word is truth and every dissenting voice is a lie from the enemy. Good works follow My good Word that produces only the good things that I have already decreed and declared for your life, as you hold fast to your profession of faith and refuse to doubt, says the LORD.

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