I will refresh you, revitalize you, revive you, restore you and renew you as you come into My presence and receive a refilling of My Holy Spirit. I do not want you to be depleted. Always you can come and receive more than enough from Me. I will strengthen and help you, and you will be strong in Me. Don’t wait until you are totally weakened by the cares of your life and emaciated! Come and eat at My table that is prepared for you, and be fat and full of My blessings, says the LORD.

I am the retreat that you are longing for, says the LORD. I will lavish you with good things, and will download new strategies into you. You may have run out of ideas and are clueless as to what to do next, but I have new revelation and understanding for you. You will be filled with the knowledge and wisdom and counsel that you need that will equip you in your next season. I will take you to a higher level and you will be fully prepared to embrace the new, with everything that I give you, and you will be refreshed, says the LORD.

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